Maybe, but honestly it doesn’t matter, and I suspect a quest for truth down this rabbit hole would end much the way that a quest for the truth about the “Golden Tapes” of the Steele Dossier have.
Maybe, but honestly it doesn’t matter, and I suspect a quest for truth down this rabbit hole would end much the way that a quest for the truth about the “Golden Tapes” of the Steele Dossier have.
I would bet big money that this “endorsement” is less about Spencer thinking the alt-right is over and more Spencer recognizing that he is over, and therefore needs to do something headline-worthy.
Climate change is going to do great harm if we don’t take drastic steps to stop it, but it’s not an existential threat. A lot of people will die, many of them the world’s most vulnerable, but increasing temperatures will force more relocation and adaptation than they will just mass deaths everywhere all at once.
Hey so, just going to throw this out there, that if you are a media outlet who is going to be the stick in a failed extortion scheme THIS is a great example of when and how to do it.
That last one is, unfortunately, probably nonsense.
Incredible. Kellyanne Conway, you will not be missed.
So I guess that makes the viewers who provide the fuel for this ... Dee?
The point about needing to ask for help is a good one, but it also highlights the problem with remote learning.
This has always been why Biden is well liked by all sorts of politicians from all wings of both parties.
This is ... not particularly shocking. Asking the food services area of a university to deliver meals to students in campus housing is sort of like trying to make a chicken fly. Sure it’s a bird, and sure it can do some approximation of flying, but that’s not really how it’s put together and whatever attempt it…
walmart; etc—that are just a step away from controlling how and where you buy X or Y product + the quality of those products.
Again I found myself why not her?
You should not feel bad about not feeling bad for these people.
It may not have been your boyfriend’s particular failing, but I believe there is some general truth to the theory that traditionally good looking people tend to do better than less good looking people when it comes to job success.
Yes, it is an inconvenient, obviously still immature storefront. That doesn’t mean they are leveraging exclusives to create a dystopian future where you have to pay a subscription just to shop there.
I’m sorry, but ... what?
But in this case the consumer harm is ... having to download a small client and switch over to it instead of steam to play your game? I have enough games on Steam and am familiar enough with the controls that I would prefer to have Steam be my primary portal. But if I’m being honest it’s not that big a deal if I have…
Oh heavens no they won’t. There is not a single candidate from either major party that has run on curbing executive power in ... a century?
Sometimes, grift can be a good thing.
Trump is a threat to democracy, but he’s also standing on the shoulders of giants here. The power of the executive has been expanded dramatically in the last century, both by Congress trying to please popular Presidents and by Congressional inaction leaving the President to try and solve problems.