
who said anything about “should”? Not me.

I do think it’s fair to say that JFK got more out of the deal with Jackie O than Trump did with Melania, but ultimately the choice to marry their spouse was one about establishing station and security in life, and it’s very hard to imagine that either of them were laboring under the delusion that they were marrying a

it’s possible the real answer may never be revealed. Kylie has been accused of cultural appropriation in the past, but this seems too overtly stupid to be real? Or is it?

As classy as she was ... it’s an apt comparison.

I think she has an ‘arrangement’ which involves leading a different secret life of her choosing

The length of that leap exists to illustrate how ridiculous I found the original commenters assertion that “transformative fanwork” is frequently exemplified by a large scale production written to be enjoyed by the masses instead of a poorly written short story on tumbler about how Hermione is an otherkin with Hitler

Look pal I hear ya’ but don’t you think it’s a bit disingenuous to characterize fanfic as looking mostly like BBC’s Sherlock as compared to Dean and Sam Winchester incest erotica?

The people being asked to vote to remove the SROs do not have the power of the purse.

As usual, absolutism that demands change “RIGHT NOW” often overlooks the problems and drawbacks of making certain kinds of changes right now.

I may be viewing this through my own lens, but I just can’t picture someone utterly confused about how to vote in 2016 who then decided to stay home because of Deadspin.

In elections decided by very small margins, the answer can be both. A small but vocal minority can be both too small to have decisive sway in who a party decides to put forward for a 2 person national election but large enough that their constant denigration of the more reasonable choice and unwillingness to

The Ubisoft worker was encouraged by HR to “talk it out” with her harasser.

In re: your headline, enjoying the creative merits of ads is like enjoying taking a splash in a kid’s inflatable pool.

Star’s supporters, however, have tried to flip the logic of diversity and inclusion on those who are speaking out. In emails about the issue obtained by The Daily Beast, one board member wrote, So suddenly we no longer believe women of color?

I have reached the end of television. I am traversing the hinterlands in search of something. I have no idea what to watch. I will try just about anything. Help.

If you are ever able to divine why he does anything then I would suggest that you should become a clinical psychologist because your ability to penetrate the mind of a simpleton and a wacko.

This is referring to noted Vladimir Putin Erotic Fanfic Writer And Person Who Perjured Themselves Testifying As An Expert Witness in Domestic Abuse Cases In A Way That May Let Abusers Go Tara Reid’s allegations against Joe Biden.

I mean, if I were both unethical and cynical, I too would be very tempted to take advantage of a movement that thinks valuing granting the accused due process even outside of the confines of criminal law is a tool to sustain systems of sexism and racism.

The DNC is as much a bogeyman for Progressives as they are for the right.  

the proposed edits would center the alleged perpetrator and his talents instead of the survivors’ stories