
Whatever the bill i sgoing to look like, the authorship is going to be driven by Trump, House Democrats and Senate Republicans. Senate Democrats will have some say because of the Senate’s differing rules, but not a lot, so this particular version of it isn’t really that useful to look at.

The problem with the whole CLD debate is that you do have some people who are genuinely suffering from additional symptoms after suffering from Lyme’s disease, and in their desperation for answers that conventional medicine hasn’t found for them, they eventually resort to doctors happy to agree with their “gut” that

I am not a Rogan fan in the slightest. I guess my question about him would be whether or not he’s ever gone as far off the rails as Cannon did here.

It’s worth noting that typically some light anti-semitism, like most prejudices, ends with a wrist slapping.

I guess to try and bring this back around, what Asheville is trying to do, at a municipal level, is a form of reparations in that it’s trying to build equity. 

Yeah, I get all of that, and as someone who would benefit from any sort of national reparations scheme, I’m not going to sit here and tell you they shouldn’t happen.

Direct cash pay reparations are complicated enough to structure at the national level. Layer in the municipal level and it gets even more challenging. What does Asheville itself owe a black family that moved there a few years ago as compared to a black family with generational ties to the city.

I hope they be reasonable here, but I suspect the lost year is a disaster for the WNBA and women’s sports in general.

Except in real life sometimes missing shots leaves you worse off than if you just stood there with a dumb look on your face doing nothing. My favorite inspirational quote along those lines is best captured by a demotivator:

And Maine’s politics at that.  It’s a weird combination of Northeastern and very rural.

Due to their refusal to leave the property and their attempts to influence the decision of the Attorney General with their actions, each person was charged with Intimidating a Participant in a Legal Process (Class D felony), Disorderly Conduct 2nd Degree (Class B misdemeanor), and Criminal Trespass 3rd Degree.

While Elba says that it’s “fair enough”

In my head, I imagine the CEO of ViacomCBS, Robert Bakish, talking to Nick via zoom and saying “Really, Nick, you think there is a vast Jewish conspiracy to control the media?” and finishing that statement with a cheeky smile, leaning to the side so Cannon can see a strategically placed Rothschild family coat of arms

Yeesh. I don’t think I will be embracing that particular conversation.

When you hang around people peddling Rothschild family conspiracies, this is exactly the time to be peddling that nonsense. Desperation is a nice ingredient in radicalization.  

Which, look, if you are a very specialized type of organization with a fairly small staff, I can, to some extent, understand how that could happen. But NOW’s always had a very broad mission, and fighting racism is ostensibly one of their core planks.

The religious hostility absolutely aligns with it being an organization catering to modern cosmopolitan upper middle class white professional women for whom religion has only ever been the tool of those they opposed.

This take undersells the problem.

Just in case someone finds themselves fretting over Poe’s Law here, the above post is most definitely a joke.

How long until folks on Twitter start demanding the hotline dish on the names of people being reported? This could either be a resource that does a lot of good or could completely blow up in everyone’s faces.