it’s locally owned, and they charge five pounds for a bowl of fucking cereal. the place is pretty much a figurehead for bullshit. at least most poor people can afford subway and might even get some nutrition out of the meal
it’s locally owned, and they charge five pounds for a bowl of fucking cereal. the place is pretty much a figurehead for bullshit. at least most poor people can afford subway and might even get some nutrition out of the meal
PINKHAM’S LAW!!! DING DING DING! We have a winner!
I’ve been thinking a lot about the politics and ethics of pedigree breeding lately. I just started volunteering at a local animal shelter and the weird obsession people have with breeds is difficult to accept. It’s one of the first questions people ask, and they’re not looking for breed-specific illnesses or genetic…
It’s too bad she wasn’t a scientist or engineer. Because then she could have come to the U.S and worked for our government and avoided being tried for war crimes.
All major religions are fucked up patriarchies! Just a reminder.
Keep up the good work.
Laughing my ass off right now.
That sounds like a good reason to miss a feminist meeting.
Scene- My bedroom, 2 AM, after a bottle and a half of wine.
Players (In a theatre sense, not like, a gross way to say ‘lovers’ or whatever)- My husband and also my me.
We were young, early 20’s, shitty on wine, having laugh sex, where we sort of clumsily bounced around the bedroom, laughing and not totally putting all…
A Story of Few Words: A Sexy Haiku
Torn foreskins, pulled muscles, and broken bones. Love truly is a battlefield, which is why, for this week’s Pissing…
Preach!!! The last time I went to MAC looking for something new, I asked them to do my face so I could try/freshen up with some new products for summer. Note: I do have fairly decent make up skills and a good skin, both of which I am complimented on on a semi-regular basis. I am not clueless.
I always thought these were so dumb, and then Danny Castellano wore them.
What is this, like a Mormon naughtiness bracket?
That would be some major wind resistance. Can you imagine the flappage?
Eating specific prepared meals no longer has an impact on an unborn baby's gender.
...Yes, but if you have to ask, then no, not for you.
Ah man, without brawling pregnant sims how can I possibly recreate the intricacies of trailer trash life, so majestic.
I wouldn't say I've been part of the accident crowd so much as the extreme mortification crowd on this. The first incident was when I lived overseas at 16 and wanted to wax my bikini line because duh, anyone can do it - and themselves! So off I marched after school to the local pharmacy which sold beauty products…