"What if we cared about those living in poverty as much as we care about celebrities?"
"What if we cared about those living in poverty as much as we care about celebrities?"
YOU are my favorite.
Or buy a snow blower, if you have room for it. Here in -15 below Indianapolis, I was able to easily clean not only our walks, but those of the elderly neighbors and our neighbor in the military who couldn't get home to do his because he was doing emergency work. I just walked up and down the block and dug everyone out.
Winter? Wassat?
I have Asthma! So... With my having pneumonia 9 times and bronchitis 4 times within the last 3 years, it's safe to say my parents loved me too much? Then again, this all happened once I hit my twenties... I wasn't loved on enough as a child :'(
I'm fairly certain Jane Goodall would have destroyed this woman with one withering look.
It is a delightful irony that she won't bite the cord because she's basing her birth method on a made-up version of what an ( very occasionally) cannibalistic species does.
Ulysses.....of course you named your child Ulysses. I wish I could transport myself to the period where this kid's balls drop, because I bet his own personal brand of rebellion is going to be epic.
I beg your pardon?
And she thinks chickenpox is caused by negative emotions emanating from people around you.
Fun fact: this lady is an anti-vacciner. That's all you need to know on top of this hot mess.
well, yeah, but then: Sweaters!
Glad I'm not the only one who saw '09 and '10 and thought FUCK FUCKING TWILIGHT.
I see you, 2010 Twihard moms.
I was at a party recently discussing waxing - I don't and 100% of the rest of the room did. I was asking about it and they were like: crouched doggy style in front of really good Russian lady at mall...and I am like: no. No thank you. I trim it so that I don't have to tuck it in - buy bathing suits that work with my…
When we last checked in with newly minted American Apparel designer Petra Collins, she was explaining in very cool…
Did anyone else miss the day when girls got good at applying makeup? I must've been out sick when some magical…
I'm an addict. The best (worst?) part is my husband is pretty furry and always has wonderful little ingrown hairs just under his top layer of skin. I can usually scratch them free. SO SATISFYING. I'm like, a liberator of back hairs.
Omg. I watched this a little while ago on YouTube. Sometimes I go on sprees where I watch cyst removals, ear wax extraction, etc. I know I'm not the only who enjoys this type of shit because there are millions of views on these videos. So I'm not ashamed.
As someone who grew up in Japan and watched his movies there, I promise you that showing people (adults and children of both genders) in their underwear is all over mainstream TV and movies, and is usually for comic effect (check out Kureyon Shin-chan). People grow up taking communal baths together as a family and in…