
Team Tremaine

A little off topic, but does the movie Gravity freak anyone else the fuck out?? There is something about space and being lost up there that scares me like no ghost/demon movie ever would.

Ask West Indians/ Caribbean people about this business. We've been at it through history.

Wait, we're getting more attractive? I approve...

She's such a great actress and is growing up to be adorable. Gawd I hope Hollywood doesn't ruin her and some idiot doesn't convince her she needs to show the world she's a "grown up" by being on the cover of Maxim in 5 years. It doesn't look like Emma Watson has fallen into that trap so there's hope!

I completely agree that all of these male politicians trying to cut off access to safe abortions are scum. But can I also point out that there are a hell of a lot of anti-choice traitor scum women? I look at the harassment nightmare in India and the female genital mutilation atrocities in Africa and I burn with

Don't sprain your elbow patting yourself on the back for tone policing. That's a real risk.

You know when you are a little kid and you see people drinking beer in cartoons and movies and they are having a great time and you think, "man, that must taste pretty good!" And then you sneak a little sip and you go, "what the fuck, this tastes horrible! why not just drink soda?" The other week I tried Blue Moon

You're like the OC's fricking Jack Kerouac.

(this is Sagegirls' hubby posting, using her screenname, telling about how she took his virginity. Because she thought it'd be funny if I told everyone what she did to me)

Age: 20


Yep, I was also an "old" virgin when I lost it (22) and also lost it to a one nighter with a stranger, and also had a great experience! Glad to see others here like me!

Just curious—so we're done with pants now? Should I go ahead and take mine off, then? I don't want to seem like I'm 'not with it' or 'uncool.' Thanks.

True story - my first boyfriend asked me out by writing a program on his TI89 calculator. He handed me his calculator, which prompted "Do you want to go out, yes or no?" and then, when I clicked yes, it traced a big heart picture and read "Then say so!"

THE COMMENTS. Oh, the horror of the comments.

But now people are being murdered!

I've read about the slaughter of women from the maquiladoras of Juarez. They've been going on for decades now. Fuck the law, I hope there's a team, I hope they get them all and I hope they die slow. Men, correction: sexual predators, have been using the area as a hunting ground. May her arrows fly true and her blades

Wow, they're really jumping all over this - undercover officers on all the city buses?

“I’m pro-cat, but this is absurd.”

lesson learned