
The best commentary was from black twitter and black tumblr.

I agree totally with the guy, get your car smashed a couple times and you will change your mind. Cause the guy he took the phone from I know from experience, was sitting in the car still on the phone going "dude, I just crashed my car, what do you think I should do?" I know this having been hit twice by people on

and what was up with her hair being perfect when she got out of bed??

One of the most adorable things a cat can do is reach out with one of their little paws and touch their owners. ADORABLE, I say.

Yea I was sure this was for biking. This SHOULD be for biking.


Check out the stuff from Pacifier. It's a Minneapolis-based children's store but they have a great online selection, too. Some personal favorites:

Don't feel too special/irritated just because your symbols are most visible Scotland and Ireland. The dress also includes:

I agree that George sounds like an old man's name...but somehow Georgie seems like a super cute nickname.

Because this is a lady site!! Ladies LOVE yogurt! SO MUCH!

Why internet....why?


What makes you think Jerry Falwell would be allowed anywhere near heaven?

Honestly, I would gladly read a prequel series written from the POV of one of the Careers.

Dude, you need to fanfic this shit up. I would totally read it.

I'm a Christian in Louisiana, who happens to be a Libertarian. But I seriously want to open a Buddhist school to just piss off all of the bigots that give Christianity a bad name.