the guy with the cat

The same reason every other sideshow exists.

You must have used psychohistory to come up with such an accurate prediction!

Sigh. I’m going to watch this because I read the books and because of Lee Pace, and I’m going to fucking hate it because of David S. Goyer.

The Asimov books seem to be largely about how one would go about mitigating the damage from the fall of the space-empire, in hopes of finding a way to keep society from collapsing for a millennia,

Like what you like, but I had a McNugget at a child’s birthday party a week or two ago. The meat was rubbery and the breading was gooey. It tasted blandly of salt and little else. Maybe they just don’t survive transport well, but it was terrible.

to be fair, they don’t pay the workers at home depot enough to go over to the people doing some sort of religious incantation in an aisle full of makeshit weapons and figure out if they are the ‘eh, just some harmless kids fucking around’ types or the ‘oh, these people are legit crazy and now they have a claw hammer

This is all another of Covid’s impacts. Before the lumber shortage, the producers would just throw away the possessed pieces, but now they’re too valuable for that. 

There are many, many, different varieties of sweet potato, the header image appears to be one of the darker varieties (although probably not a purple fleshed one). Here’s a small sampling (image stolen from the internet, possibly originally Durham Council of Garden Clubs):

Josie Packard’s soul will be saved.

It’s true that sweet potatoes are often called yams, but it’s false that yams — from the family Dioscoreaceae — don’t grow well in the US. Imported yams, Dioscorea Alata and Dioscorea Bulbifora grow widely in the South and Bulbifora has been in cultivation there since at least the 1800s.

...the cops were called when “some people started picking up that something was happening that was not necessarily normal.”

That’s fair. I wouldn’t have a way of knowing which are East Coast and which are just “east half”, since it seems like those rankings tend to end at the Mississippi. I saw my first Raising Cane’s this last weekend in Reno, when I happened to be in the middle of a lengthy excursion to rural Nevada. If we hadn’t already

5 guys is literally twice the price of In n Out. Which also sounds like a set of options at a Vegas bordello.

I think we talk about In-N-Out so much as a response to hearing endlessly about the eastern fast food and fast-food-adjacent chains that get a looot of talk from a predominantly east-coast focused media. I’ve read plenty of stories here about White Castle, Culvers, Steak n’ Shake, White Castle, Waffle House, Wawa,

This. It’s a unique flavor that doesn’t really compare to other establishments. You have to look at the type of burger and what the restaurant offers, not just any burger. For instance, Whataburger gets compared to In N Out all the time but it’s not really the same thing, which becomes increasingly obvious when you

Don’t let a person you never met influence your life, is how I go about it.

Because both are shitty-ass companies with a track record of lying/under-delivering?

While I agree with you on the green new deal, Lordstown is a scam and their investors are going to lose everything. I’d just as soon my tax dollars did not go to them.

As a non-American, not even living in America, Trump’s policies and horrific public behaviour still affected me directly, so I feel entitled to my revulsion towards him and his enablers. I don’t have to meet him to have an opinion about him.

I’m comfortable with my revulsion towards trump, and all other sociopaths.  It lets me know my moral compass is still working.