the guy with the cat

The shows will be written by the same program.

But what about that damn fish that keeps showing up in all the Seuss books, man? What’s up with that?

Robert Downey Jr. is probably gone so I’m not surprised. But I am pleased.


My first thought was, “what, again?”

I really resent this article. I don’t follow fashion at all, but it turns out I was supposed to hate this guy and now he’s dead it doesn’t even matter! 

The goal posts have been moved.

The recipe is for cheesecake. Calories were always going to be a thing.

+1, consistency.

Not totally true. If you have enough propellant to basically stop them in Earth’s orbit, they will fall down to the sun. Or you could do a series of Venus flybys and get within the sun’s radius (see: Parker Solar Probe).

No kidding. Of all the places to be caught, this is the most humiliating.

So, leg-shaving rumor ... true or false?

East or West coast?

1000% smuttier than 40 years ago!

This is really just a preview of Easter candy rankings, with Chocolate Guy standing in for every chocolate rabbit ever made.

I think Debs’ opinions on net neutrality and the Green New Deal are particularly insightful.

But what about vaccines??

You mean, just like the Warriors are now?


Yeah, I’m basically on her side. So ease off on the caffeine.