
I think I know what you mean but would you mind elaborating? Is the difference that PS5  can now have Dolby Atmos enabled speakers / systems can now play Sony’s proprietary 3D audio format but can’t output Dolby Atmos itself?

If you want to have your mind blown, watch this…

Ah snap. It’s about time I finally finish The Ascent. I’m a little bummed as I figured it would be one of those titles that would be on the service in perpetuity. 

Nooooo not Luke! I think the highest compliment I can pay him is that whenever I read one of his posts, byline unseen, I could always immediately identify him as the author. Both by the quality of its content and the style of his prose.

Gotta love how the world’s biggest governments will throw tons of money and resources to rescue a bunch of rich idiots at the bottom of the ocean and don’t give a fuck about hundreds of refugees going missing at sea in the Mediterranean. This isn’t a tragedy. Yes, it’s tragic for the loved ones of those involved, but

God damn Microsoft’s controller game is on point. I already own half a dozen of them and will absolutely cop this if it’s real

Wow what a fucking scumbag. Totally unsurprisingly from a dude who calls himself “FaZe Rain”. He’s right about one thing though…she has absolutely no business being a part of FaZe…because she’s a million times better than that band of degenerate clowns.

Love the aesthetics but everything else just seems boring and rote. There also appears to be a heavy dose of that “every gun has a story” nonsense they promised for Destiny.

God this shit is so lame. Video games won’t be taken seriously until we stop giving these dorks a platform. My eyes roll right out of my skull whenever I see something about these ridiculous organizations and their super cringey pseudonyms.

This is not normal. Shame on all the people involved for just throwing this out there as a way to make a quick buck without pausing to consider the psychosocial consequences which could be incredibly destructive. Monetizing peoples’ loneliness is a vile proposition. I know this is newsworthy, but continuously

Sorry but you’re way off on this one. Increased development costs, monetary inflation, and heightened consumer demand are driving this. I’m very much pro-consumer / anti-establishment — you can’t throw a fit every time a company raises its prices. Object when it’s warranted, humbly acquiesce when it isn’t. Ignorance

Microsoft’s controller game is so on point.

Omg what even is this video?? It screams 90s informercial but I can’t tell if they’re being tongue in cheek or what. Anyway, this thing is gonna cost a fucking fortune.

Do all the characters animate like they do in Fortnite or can they be customized?

I’m not gonna dunk on Star Citizen because there’s actually some pretty neat stuff in it, but consider this… Look Spacebourne 2 up on Steam. Star Citizen has literally thousands of devs. Spacebourne 2 has one. How??

You aren’t the only one!

YES. 100% this. One of my family members has a Tesla and operating the touchscreen whilst driving is a total nightmare. This isn’t a knock on Tesla’s screen, it’s a knock on auto touchscreens in general. I don’t want to have to risk death on the 405 because I want to turn the AC on. 

YES. 100% this. One of my family members has a Tesla and operating the touchscreen whilst driving is a total nightmare. This isn’t a knock on Tesla’s screen, it’s a knock on auto touchscreens in general. I don’t want to have to risk death on the 405 because I want to turn the AC on. 

YES. 100% this. One of my family members has a Tesla and operating the touchscreen whilst driving is a total nightmare. This isn’t a knock on Tesla’s screen, it’s a knock on auto touchscreens in general. I don’t want to have to risk death on the 405 because I want to turn the AC on. 

This employee makes a solidly built argument for continuing WFH policies, but unfortunately reduces its credibility by delving into hyperbole and conjecture. There’s a fine line between workers rights and employee entitlement and I’ve found that most proponents of permanent WFH veer into the latter category. I feel