
Cool, can't wait to watch this when I get home from work. Love AV Club videos, especially from Teti and co.

Seth Gordon is kind of squandering his King of Kong goodwill.

The reason I love Fallon is because of the dedication he puts in his non-interview, non-monologue bits. You may then say "well, those are pretty core skills for a late night host", but tell me in what other medium he could have such fun with a constantly revolving list of celebrity guests?

And then listened to via streaming video on tinny computer speakers. Really brings out the subtleties of Kanye's production.

Oh, this is fun. Mine is:

I agree, I saw it at the cinema in New York when there wasn't too much else on, and it was OK. Pretty good? I was eating Dunkin' Donuts simultaneously though, and since we don't have anything near Dunkin' Donuts' calibre in Australia (let that sink in), I could probably have been watching Battleship 3: The

The best thing about We're the Millers was the advertising campaign that had "a dealer masquerading as a father, a stripper masquerading as a mother, a virgin masquerading as a son"… Hmm, a virgin masquerading as a son, eh?

Nobody seems to be mentioning that this was produced by Beck himself (his first time on an official LP, I think?), whereas Sea Change was produced by Nigel Godrich. Godrich's smooth touch was all over that record (and The Information), and I think that was a big part of why I loved it.

Whoa, chill out. TV Club is still miles better than anything else out there. They have to do what makes sense for them.

Yeah, agreed. Revolution was bad, then it kind of became 'so bad it's good', and now it's very close to being actually good. I really hope they don't cancel it, it's definitely found it's voice.

The urge to not say "and a movie" must be commended @avclub-a664984487cb1dddd637524f9c82c449:disqus. Cougar Town is way, way more than a mere Community reference.

The Cougar Town reviews are so indepth, I feel like they are often longer than an episode's script. That feels snarky, but it's not… I'd be genuinely upset to see them go.

This website is run by electricity and/or good old fashioned elbowed grease.

Forcing Teti to move to Chicago rivals Conan's move to LA for the Tonight Show in terms of sad displacement. Oh 2013, I miss you so.

19 years later and that stupid episode still makes me so mad as an Australian. Grrr. The butthurt! No, I'm not making a boot reference.

It looks way too much like Kid Rock' s Rebel Soul cover to me (hat, half-body shot, random splooshes of colour)… I believe falling victim to that style is even worse than succumbing to "hip indie band" aesthetics.

I wonder if he's also streaming Chemtrails

Arthur should have firsted his own comments section.

That can happen to me for months, maybe years!

Started Bayonetta yesterday. I've finally finished all my PS3 games and retired that system. Now I've dug out my old 2006 360 with VGA connection to play what's apparently the only playable version of this game.