I still think it would be a big deal for some people considering the political climate in the UK right now. I see people over here getting hate for being the wrong kind of white, there is a lot of open and angry racism.
I still think it would be a big deal for some people considering the political climate in the UK right now. I see people over here getting hate for being the wrong kind of white, there is a lot of open and angry racism.
Of course she visited a fucking Waitrose! Do you think normal people in Britain can afford to shop at fucking Waitrose every day? Their food is amazing, but it’s so goddamned expensive.
Drake also ripped off the works of artist James Turrell to make that music video, look him up you’ll be surprised.
This isn’t even the first time I’ve seen a ‘brand ambassador’ who ended up being a pedophile! There’s a brand of beer in Canada called Alexander Keiths from Nova Scotia; they had an actor who was Scottish and dressed as a Jacobite to be in their commercials. Turns out their happy Scotsman was a pedophile; got 21…
If it helps, Ruby does clever reviews of fast food for VICE now.
I read the book (unfortunately) and I can see what they mean; not so much that her decision to not have kids or divorce her husband was selfish, (I am also a woman who chose to forego kids and marriage) but she wrote the book from her perspective and I got the impression that she was very self involved. I mean, maybe…
Yeah, I’ve paid cash at a chipotle, and the person took the cash with their gloved hand and then went back to helping make food! Cash is like the dirtiest thing, and they’re touching it with their hands and then making food! That was the first and only times I’ve been, because I live in Scotland, but I wouldn’t go…
I keep a basket of loofahs next to the bath, I’ll use one for about 3 washes, and then switch. I just toss the dirty loofahs into the washing machine once every 2 weeks or so. I’m generally alright with having a messy flat, but I can’t stand the idea of bacteria/germs/mould so I keep my bathroom very clean. I can’t…
I have actually been quite impressed by the BBC’s coverage of the Olympics; they cover it live and add it to their online iplayer, so when you wake up in the morning you can watch what you missed while you get ready.
Oh God, don’t show this to my MIL, she’s in her mid 60's and chomping at the bit for grandchildren;
For my family it was my refusal to consider a french man for my future (I grew up in Bordeaux, although I live in Scotland now), in France the disrespect for women is unbelievable. The ironic thing is that the French all think they are very progressive with their beliefs and they think things are very equal, but I…
When Scotland voted to stay as a member of the UK the decision was largely influenced by threats on the part of the Tory government that we would not be allowed to keep our EU membership; now less than 2 years later we have had that stripped from us anyways.
That’s very strange to live full time in a bothy, I can’t stand Scottish winters and I live in a flat with central heating.
We really need this in the UK, I get so jealous reading about this mythical overtime pay. My husband works at least 50+ hours a week as a front end designer doing UX/UI at a games company; he’s salaried but paid just above the living wage (which means we’re scraping by) and he gets no compensation for all the extra…
I used to have that job when I was a carney (worked at a theme park over the summers) they literally just pick a random games employee to do it; if you’re good at it then it’s your job for the summer, if you suck at it then they switch you out of the game. There is no trick.
This is fucking ridiculous! Why does it take America this long to even choose it’s front runners? Ugh, can everyone just shut the fuck up about Trum and Hillary and fucking American fucking politics for 10 seconds? Do you think any of this actually matters?! I am sososososossososo fucking done with this fucking…
yeah, they did something freaky to her eyes, they’re over saturated or something. She looks like a wight from Game of thrones.
I’d rather have a good job and health insurance than fucking class. What did decorum ever get anyone?
The guy that Jaden Smith is with is named Boyan Slat, he’s come up with a way to remove plastic from the oceans and is deploying his system off the coast of the Netherlands right now, after 6 years of feasibility testing. BTW he came up with his idea when he was 16.