
I want to like Sasha, her looks are great, but she takes herself waaaaay too seriously. When she came out in that modern art look, I was all like, "OK, gurl, we get that you know who Basquiat is."

Pretty sure it's Sang, not Tsang, as in the colloquial version of Kim Chi's real name, Sang Young.

I say fuck Miss Congeniality and that busted prize purse. Katya deserves better. I WILL NOT BE PACIFIED.

Thanks for putting this into words. I got so pissed when Ru started taking votes for Miss Congeniality right after Katya's elimination - she knew there would be pissed viewers after how much everyone has loved Katya this season, and is hoping to pacify everyone by locking her for Miss Congeniality. NO! WE RISE AND…

They don't want to be accused of fat-shaming.

I'm presuming the Kurosawa nerd and drag obsessed are two circles that don't overlap much on a Venn diagram…