
This whole article is straight-up "Pain Body"

People are robbing stores and restaurants for food. Can we get a study about how the $7 Billion cuts to food stamps has led to a rise in crime? Please? A HANDFUL of cases could even possibly be linked to videogames. A HANDFUL. Yet all these studies do nothing but PR and divert. People commit violent crimes for drugs,

It does suck to see people lose their jobs but this was a long time coming. I've been through two takeovers and one company bankruptcy. It benefits a few people. The rest of the employees are left to suck it.

I find the idea of a Pretty-in-Pinkish Carrie childhood a lot more interesting. Imagine young Carrie hitting thrift stores before it was cool to do so. But I am going to keep an open mind despite that sinking feeling in my gut that's it's going to be more horrid than I could ever, ever imagine.