
They might even win their division this year.

I'm sorry that happened to you. We have good fans, too. It sounds like you got saddled with some serious assholes.

Michigan State lined up for an all out block. The Michigan players knew it was coming and didn't respond. That's football.

It’s literally whatever pops up in ESPN’s fantasy football app.

She also has a very high-powered agent.

Isn’t that what she did? I know she didn’t produce Spy, but Tammy and her projects going forward are all On The Day productions, where she’s getting a sizable cut of the backend.

They’re tied with the Marlins, and they did it in a third of the time.

My dad is 70 and just bought a GTI. He knows cars. He’s driven a stick his whole life. He keeps the thing spotless and original. I imagine he’s exactly what VW marketing wants.

Obviously, a show produced by the Kardashians is going to give an honest account of the relationship and the circumstances of its demise.

Do it. Seriously, who cares what people think?

Museums don’t take everything. There has to be some value in preserving and displaying items. Just because items were used in World War 2 doesn’t make them historically significant.



And the Rays gave him a perfect game.

The headline has a dangling modifier clause.

It’s not a detraction. It’s the point. The only way to stop these types of attacks is to prevent the the victims from being especially vulnerable. By listening to them and treating them with dignity, we include victims in the system that can help catch these monsters.

I don’t think he’d be Dead Scott if he had, unless he was terrible in bed.

No, he was taken on and given speech lessons as part of a bet between Henry Higgins and Col. Pickering. He’s actually Cockney.

If you watch celebrity interviews in Spanish you can easily tell, but for Hispanic actors in English speaking roles it isn’t always obvious who is Latino. I don't recall whether Cameron Diaz is Spanish or Cuban, and I don't spend my time worrying about it.

It says you’re not some weird racialist who knows the exact ethnic background and national origin of every minority actor.