Thanks for calling attention to this, I googled b/c your post and here’s what I found:
Thanks for calling attention to this, I googled b/c your post and here’s what I found:
I mean, I disagree? I have a strong religious belief in non-violence. I pay close attention. Avengers (esp. Endgame and Infinity War) are not sanitized - people are impaled, choked out, shot, dismembered, disembodied. I think maybe people say that an absence of blood means the violence isn’t there. I do not think that…
Issue with oral agreements isn’t that they aren’t valid, it’s that it can be hard to prove what the terms were.
I once read a book about bankruptcy and have been broke ever since... the threat is ReAl!
Yes, but more. The characters are the best at what they do - ridiculously so - but they are also all damaged in some way. And coming together as a team is a way for them to heal and grow. Plus it’s funnier.
“The only reason we started to call ourselves co-founders is because it started to be co-opted. It started to be Black men using BLM as a way to tell their message, which was largely anti-woman or often anti-queer and trans. Or devoid of the conversation of feminism. And we were like: ‘We’ve gotta intervene.’”
To be fair, a lot of celebrities seem to be able to get by just keeping their heads down for a year or two without incident.
So true. I think Wyle is a more than adequate replacement. Ford was probably my least favorite character anyway. The crooks are far more entertaining.
Maybe renewing awareness of your sexual assault accusation by filing a lawsuit for an agreement with no paper trail isn’t the wisest thing to do. Of course, the hope might be they’d settle out of court.
The new season is surprisingly good. Didn’t miss his ass a bit.
Good point, but I doubt the lawsuit is going to help bring Nate Ford back from the dead.
I think they fired him because he’s sitting around posting stupid shit instead of earning that $10M/yr.
Because banning books that deal with incest and rape is exactly the same thing as protecting kids from incest and rape.
Someone on that schoolboard has no idea how anything works.
Most of them were good, and both Luke Cage & Iron Fist had good 2nd seasons.
It seems silly, and it probably is. But it’s also true that the name Disney has very different implications and a deep cultural association with family fare in the US that it doesn’t have elsewhere, being that it is an import. Most places, Disney is just seen as an exporter of American culture among many others (see…
Exactly. There are plenty of Marvel shows already on Hulu from Runaways to Legion to the recently released Hit Monkey and the already forgotten Helstrom. And nobody gives a “fuck” what people say on Hulu.
Get out the ole VCR and record from your TV as you stream the episodes!
The new home will likely be Disney+