Tell that to this father.
In order to make a more perfect citizen....
Better overview of a 7" gameplay machine
Personally, I think this is the best compromise between screen size/emersive experience vs douche factor
Thats just ridiculous.
Are you an Apple fanboy?
Building built by Samsung Heavy industries.
You approve this yet, you give label the Galaxy Tab a "train wreck"?
@TVs_Frank: The percentage figures are purely legal/marketing.
@TailsNZ: Dawn of the UV radiation resistant super bugs.
@snap_understeer_ftw: I raise you a V6
@LoganR: Dude that fatty is in the Army National Guard. He's practially a civilian playing Army one weekend a month. I've seen my fair share of them fat bastard while I was in Iraq. You will NEVER see an Active Duty soldier in the condition that this fatso is in. NEVER.
@SkaHimself: The picture that you see here is of the Army National Guard at a base camp in Iraq. You will never see an Active Duty Army soldier in the shape that this individual is in.
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AMOLED Music video by Samsung