
So true! I drove though the Rocky Mountains in shorts & a long sleeve in mine on blizzacks top down. Cozy as hell

In the S2000, the heater will burn your legs off. I swap the studded tires on, put the top down, strap my snowboard in the passenger seat, and fucking live.

Ah well, when an employee who’s not an employee is in a driverless car that’s not a driverless car, it’s easy to understand why they might treat a red light like it’s not a red light.

Unfortunately this model doesn’t come with the pussy magnet. Recent polls showed that customers didn’t like the automatic pussy retrieval, and that they would rather manually “grab ‘em by the pussy” as they say.

Having been an adult when the internet was born, I have seen how far-out predictions became reality orders of magnitude more quickly than anyone imagined. With new advances in prototyping, testing, production and computing--and globalization--if the past is any guide, its safe to say that things will evolve still

LOL. Maybe. But which of these things aren’t true?

What new is that the new industries and companies expected to displace the “heritage” and “old” companies have fewer workers and job opportunities than the companies they’re replacing. Some food for though for you:

Yes, in historical terms, it will happen overnight, and it will happen globally. Mining vehicle operators in Myanmar and Nigeria will be out of work, not long after shipworkers in Stockhom, and Uber Drivers in NYC--all within a relatively compact timeline...and the businesses that depend on these people as customers

Is there anyone thinking about the socio-economic aftershocks of this tech?

My understanding of the riding experience is that it’s not as smooth as a human driver--that there are micro-corrections taking place constantly which gives the ride a kind of jerky feel. If this is the case, I can see a huge uptick in people getting car sick in autonomous vehicles once they become mainstream.