
Did a quick read, one word caught my eyes.

Pokemon has gotten more complicated for me to understand now.

You forgot the drone XP exploit that players had been abusing and the 1 hit kill sniper will most certainly be abused too. I’ll be playing this game tomorrow evening for the first time, can’t wait to see how it plays out on my old ps4.

I perused some of these fandom wikis for some anime/manga series for tidbits that I can't remember. If these hosts are starting to crackdown on "fetish" because of false reports or overzealous of what they think is wholesome safe.

2FA, strong password, don’t share passwords, don’t click suspicious links. That’s some of the ways to avoid getting your account hijacked. I have an old yahoo account that I still used to this day, yet it’s been compromised by website data leaks. But I changed the password and have 2FA and fingerprint authentication

I didn’t particular enjoyed BFV since we went from WWI in BF1, which was enjoyable to an extent, to WWII which was barebones with all new gameplay mechanics that threw me off. Not to mentioned how monetized they gotten after the inclusion of it in BF1.

Locker 24/7, Shanghai 24/7 and that one other map that was wide open space for tanks, helos and jets. But fuck them ucav/aa tank campers in spawn.

Live action cgi Gundam?

I never gotten passed from the gang graffiti mission in San Andreas. At that point I turned on cheats and wreak havoc and forget about beating the game. 

I can’t bother with Division 2 anymore. Loot grinding just sucks if you’re an average player who doesn’t play constantly unless you’re already min/max and op. Everything is a grindfest, trying to find the best gear/weapon before it gets nerfed to oblivion.

Talea of Arise fancy manga panel/comic panel skits was refreshing but after the fifth time the novelty wears off, wished it was a lot simpler like how the past Tales series was.

I've twiced had been selected for this. And both times I didn't have funds to buy it, since it's basically a dice roll of a random email showing up and saying you won the lottery for a PS5 pre-order.

I missed this series. God damn Konami and their penchant for pachinko machines.

Since I only got to play 1 day only and on the old ps4 console. My experience with it was terrible after your first initial gauntlet run. Control playing seems wonky and I felt that I had to push harder at my analog stick just to run.

I bought the ultimate edition for digital because it included the PS5 version also when I eventually get a PS5. The one thing that bothers me is the gald wording. Do you get 5x gald or what? That 5 bit after 100,000 gald is bothering me. Currently level 19 and I have 28+ hours of just mindless grinding on hard with

Well, these comments didn’t age well. A body was found, he's on the run, despite lawyering up.

I already bought hitman 2 from psn's discount sale cheap.

Hope DICE has a good anti-cheat system.

By diverse you mean, playlists that no one really plays, douchebags sitting on billions of fraud money they made by glitching back in the day of PS3 and Xbox and griefing everyone in the lobby.

Or if Rockstar cares about it, give us a sequel to Midnight Club 2. Instead of this grindfest of an abomination in GTA online. When I first interact with it, saw how much a pain it was to level up, I just quit. GTA online is a struggle for casual folks who play on the weekends.