
I think I’m on my 9th or 10th dualshocks because of stick drift in either or both analog sticks. I’ve read an article long ago how shitty the ds4s were because of one simple mistake that tends to erode the analog box thingy inside the controller.

I want that midnight blue color the ps4 dualshock controller had.

Meanwhile, regular multiplayer mode in modern warfare is a forgotten wasteland with abysmal playlist. Not everyone likes playing warzone.

Sure, solo content online is fine but main story dlc? Nope, too “expensive” for labor and cost. Also, everyone knows gta online is their cash cow. Gotta reel in them shark cards buyers from the average person who wants that new shiny car.

r/Wallstreetbets is in lockdown mode. Word is it’s an invite only as of now. Too much sus with new folks joining the sub-reddit, myself included, since I joined this morning out of curiosity.

This’ll never work out in gta online. That place is a cesspool where griefers run wild with their new toys (possibly with modded money back in the heydays of old gen).

Activision has completely abandoned the modern warfare multiplayer base.

“The uploader has not made this video available in your country.”

So... I need a game boy color if I truly want the old school versions.

So... I need a game boy color if I truly want the old school versions.

Is it worth buying the championship edition at all? I stopped paying attention to this series after season 2 or 3.

Not one mention about his guest role in Lucifer?

Who the fuck has 8k definition and what the fuck is 3d audio? Also, fuck take-two, their greedy monetization in NBA2K series is next level of greed.

Mt rumbles are either dead or not functioning at all, most times they don’t even rumble. Even if they do, it’s a weak rumble in response to a scene that dictates whether or not it’s necessary. I’ll eventually get this game down the road when it’s cheaper though, not super excited about the split storyline and the

More like campers delight, because everyone is sitting back at their spawns and sniping at each other. At least that was my experience in that mode.

I do hope the weapon handling is better after how many iterations because it’s pure trash. Seriously.

Sweet. I’ve been iffy on buying the previous versions of Gran Turismo for the PS4 based on reviews and players opinions. Something to look forward to when PS5 comes out.

I hope it’ll be a small memorial of some sort acknowledging the incident and it's victims.

Marvel vs Capcom 2 will always be the best.

Warzone and Plunder are neat ideas, but I barely venture into those modes unless I have to complete an operator mission for a custom outfit. It’s filled with hackers and cheaters, not that it’s any different in the multiplayer mode either.