
Ground Wars trying to emulate Battlefield’s Conquest is just horrible. Killstreaks should be disabled and these maps have tons of hiding places since there’s lots of buildings scattered around. While some maps are horrible, some are downright atrocious, getting spawn trapped or constantly sniped from every direction

Saw a report on bacon too.

I wish they could reset the hunters in D.C. because my main character is missing 1/3 hunter masks and 2 keys.

Have you got your hands on the elusive Sprite Ginger yet?

I’m on a message board where 2/3's of the users (mostly white millienial guys) Stan for Bernie. Hard. And they can’t grasped the notion that not everyone is on board for what Bernie stands if he can’t work together with both parties.

Tanks aren’t a problem. It’s the abundance of cover that’s the problem along with spawn trapping and killstreaks being earned every few minutes, by the likes of chopper gunners and vtols in ground war.


Disney/Marvel higher up’s pettiness to not include X-Men and various other Marvel characters that were tied up with Fox at the time doomed this game. Not to mentioned how terrible the visuals were and rumor of recycling set moves from MvC3/UMvC3's characters into new characters. While the infinity stones bit was kind

How can this be sold out already?

How can this be sold out already?

Squeenix needs to hurry up and released the damn demo so I can play it endlessly until the first part comes out in March.

Only got to play a handful of matches on Shipment, most of the time it’s always Vacant matches. I’ll use this to my advantage for now to grind assignments on Shipment that requires 10 kills in a lifetime for x amount of time.

Also, I like to point out time limits on certain modes put a damper on the game alongside with killstreaks that makes it impossible to mount a comeback in certain modes (ground wars I'm looking at you).

I’ll be real, I live in MN, I voted for Sen. Klobuchar when she first started, she gets things done for the state. But presidential material, I waver on that. She’s a moderate and loosely center based, not super progressive. That and she doesn’t have national name recognition like Warren, Biden and Sanders. I rather

Their Capcom Cup tour is a scam with shoddy management and lack of funds to even provide quality stream let alone stream on Twitch that's prone to lag every second. Still surprised that they still have sponsors sponsoring this nonsense.

If you really want to see your k/d ratio, you could just download their companion app or visit the CoD website and look at your feed. I’m more frustrated by Ground War and the constant death I accumulated from rooftop snipers on one map, trying to cross open spaces only to get shot at from campers, vtol killstreaks

RIP Super Street.

I’ll miss her articulated and sometimes humorous take articles on video games and anime.

Ground Wars is a clusterfuck in general and bad map designs.

Future NBA Live will never be released in my lifetime.

I’ve got the original Disgaea 4 sitting next to the tv. I might splurged for the complete version of 5 down the road. The ones that I used to have but don’t anymore are La Pucelle Tactics, Phantom Brave, Disgaea 1&2, and Makai Kingdom. As for what I have besides 4 is 3, D2, 5 and 1 Complete.