
In the comics, Shiva can eat zombies without getting sick. So plenty of protein for her around.

Did some Native tribes own African slaves? Yes—forced assimilation into the agricultural economy of the south led them to adopt the system of racialized hierarchy in part to preserve their own lands and sovereignty. But making that blanket statement and directly comparing it to the massive removal of Natives from

Yes, and I fully believe the first sale doctrine, when it comes to media, is equivalent to legalized piracy. That’s pretty much my point.

I think you’re misunderstanding copyright law a bit. Yes, I’m sure libraries are always authorized. Libraries are authorized as lenders under the First Sale doctrine. It’s the same piece of copyright law that allows you to sell your special edition DVD copy of “Conan the Destroyer” on Ebay for $5 ( And I completely

One important piece of work that libraries do often gets overlooked—they are digitizing massive amounts of historical and cultural materials and making them accessible. Many of these are in the public domain, and librarians collect and make available these materials to researchers, students, and the general public.

I will crush the Library’s enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of the unfortunate women who have to interact with idiots like Andre Walker.

You need to replace “books” with “information.” Libraries are repositories of information—in addition to physical books, they lend e-books and audiobooks, provide access to databases or video streaming services that are cost prohibitive for a single person, as well as free educational programming in many areas.

Actually, just under half of Americans have used a library in the past 12 months.

This week, my girlfriend and I learned that her Uncle Nim-Karrak has a serious power addiction problem. Apparently, this has been going on for years while she’s been out pirating the Black Coast and I’ve been tending her ship’s library, but the situation became dire recently when he overthrew my girlfriend’s father

I think it’s supposed to be “routs” and everyone is spelling it wrong.

I was on it (back in the late 90s/early 2000s) mostly for Buffy the Vampire Slayer reviews, spoilers, and rumored projects. After Buffy ended, I had no reason to go back there because the Whedonesque blog began around that time.

The TV Reviews still aren’t listed in episode order, and you have no idea what episode is what without clicking on the review and looking for the episode number. Sometimes I binge watch shows after they’ve all been reviewed (mostly netflix shows but today I wanted to go back and read the “This is Us” reviews since I

I don’t understand how anyone who’s actually seen RuPaul’s Drag Race would think, “Meh, I’d rather watch the Voice!”

The Bran=Night King theory is so dumb. I don’t understand why people feel the need for a convoluted explanation for the whole “you will fly” prediction from 3ER. It’s come to pass already—Bran wargs into ravens. ALL THE TIME.

I’m no longer a Kinja ghost! Thank you so much!

Yay! I was beginning to think I was doomed to be a ghost account forever.

I was never a cider drinker until this past year—I’m not a fan of sweet drinks, and suddenly there’s a lot more excellent dry ciders out there. One of my favorites is Cider Creek’s premium Farmhouse (from Canisteo, NY). Original Sin (Brooklyn, NY) also makes a very tasty dry pear cider.

Myles, I’ve been stuck in the grays since this whole kinja thing happened. Could you please help me out? So far I haven’t had any luck with anyone actually seeing my posts.

I had to create a new Kinja account because I was just getting an error message and no one responded to my help desk request I sent this morning. Can I not be gray please?