@MPB: Good thing it's just a natural climate cycle, then, not a manmade problem.
@MPB: Good thing it's just a natural climate cycle, then, not a manmade problem.
@dougdeep: If I'm in the right mood, I take one swing down the aisle I'm on, and if nothing, swing back up the next one and grab the first spot I see. Otherwise, I just whip it in the closes one in the giant block of empties.
@El Guano: How could you say something like that? We all know that #RosaRocks! #clockvase
@Taylor Seitz: That is a MUCH better Doodle. That thing rocks. Furthermore, #RosaRocks #cookiemonstergooglesong
We just got the first 3G rollout here...I can't imagine we'll see this for a while 'round these parts.
@Con Seannery: Whoops, forgot the campaign tag! #RosaRocks #teenstabbing
@Rosa Golijan: Looks like you go both ways...gadget and human. What? Were you guys thinking of something else?
I like to think he was listening to this at the time, or at least the older brother put it on. #teenstabbing
@GitEmSteveDave_Hates #DoucheDad: Are you SURE you aren't MacGuyver? #camera
@warped2049: Got any invites?
Another one in the WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?!? file...
@bosskev: But he didn't walk away without a scratch.
Those scrambled eggs look amazing.
I was taught to throw from the blade, as does Mike in the video.
@infmom: I USUALLY go with this philosophy. The only time I go bleeding edge is when I've hemmed and hawed for a while and decided to go whole hog and drop the coin for the best of the best. Though, after that, I keep it for a considerable period of time, longer than my good enoughs.
@jeffk: I disagree. My Sansa is just as easy, if not easier to figure out than an iPod.
@TheFu: I noticed that. I took a few days to watch it and test it, but no change. Constant on that. Time to bitch!