
The tribble episode of Deep Space Nine, had a pair of Starfleet Officers refer to Kirk as a "madman" when it came to time travel. Said he had something like 30-40 violations of the Temporal Directive.

That sounds about right.

Or is it...?

Now playing

We all know who gave Corning the glass breakthrough.

I always liked my Matrix theory which was the real world was also in the Matrix.

The photos don't look to be very high quality (compared to everything else), it's possible he zoomed in on them, made a screen shot, and photoshopped them into a texture for UE4.

Not really the first Dragon Age transgender. One of the surprises is Shale is a woman, even voiced by a woman the entire game... (One really gravelly sounding woman)

I hope his rival is butter, voiced by Nolan North.


I always liked Infinity Blade, I always saw the game as sort of Punch Out clone. So never minded the touch screen controls or swiping. I think the game is a good match for Kinect but hope it has controller options of some sort.

James Cameron doesn't do what he does for James Cameron. James Cameron does what James Cameron does because he is, James Cameron.

I had this happen too, it wasn't the same line but equally awkward timing.

Hey fellow Dragon Age players, anyone care to explain this big thing of cheese?

Brack Friday Bunduru!

I love the theme to that show.

My thought exactly.

Odd how things have changed. Maybe I'm wrong but when Net Neutrality was a new issue it seemed like everyone in Government was for it... Only business owners were against. I was actually surprised to see people Republican or Democrat, be against it.

Am I the only one who is more upset this is not a movie?

"I fiht fur mie fernds" - Morth