Rage engine issue. Wolfenstein has this problem too.
Rage engine issue. Wolfenstein has this problem too.
I'm sorry I couldn't finish this video. How about everything right with this game. Maybe some of this negativity we complain about can change course if someone on YouTube makes "Everything Right About..." Videos.
Hey Jason,
And you shouldn't be.
DmC had a demon that made tainted energy drinks.
When was it established Ridley killed Samus' parents that wasn't Other M.
This is coming from the guy who in his latest game has a cop wearing a white blouse and takes every opportunity he can to soak her in water and give us the "Wet T-Shirt" effect.
There was a guy who had a hack that got it to work but Microsoft shut him down. I waited after that for the "Future update" Microsoft promised would allow us to use the controllers, only to find out it was wired. Disappointing.
I love using the PS4 controller on PC, before I used various Xbox 360 controllers, the official wireless one, the Tron 360 controller, and then a Razer Sabertooth.
I ranted about this game years ago as the lowest possible piece of crap ever. The African Americans in the game make Monkey sounds, and if I recall right came out on the 50th Anniversary of MLKs death.
.... S.T.A.R.S.
Well it's not Lindsey Lohan, unless Lindsey can patent a hand gesture am not seeing a case. I think the arrested girl is Lindsey but am sure she would never admit it.
If anything THIS is Lindsey Lohan...
This is why if I get this game, it will be on Wii U with Classic Controllers only. The risk of wearing out one of the Gamepad sticks with almost no way to replace is too high.
I totally want to post version The Thing with the split melty face. Because that's totally what a few of these look that, but that might not be SFW.
Quick Borderlands guys, this is your chance to patch in a Loot Cave and a great joke!
Somebody needs to do the entire Police Squad / Naked Gun opening with this image.
There's already a model of Vanille nude in the game, it's used in a cutscene. Someone will make that Vanille's default look I'm sure.
I'm not annoyed by the deleted photos folder... But I am annoyed all the photos aren't in one place unless they are "Recent".