I remember when everyone did that with Halo 2. Read entire reviews about how buggy it was with texture and model pop ins, 10 out of 10.
I remember when everyone did that with Halo 2. Read entire reviews about how buggy it was with texture and model pop ins, 10 out of 10.
Yes but will you pick rifles, or computers?
His website is still up!
I know! And that was 40,000+ women in the late 90s? Early 2000s maybe???
Yeah I didn't realize till a lot later the Native American guy also tried to be a Governor at some point. So we almost had three Governors in the same film! And that's why Predator is above Running Man, sure Running Man also had Arnold and Ventura. But this beats it by arguably a "half".
When I heard they might be rebooting Predator, my first thought was "Predator spawned two Governors and almost a third. Those are mighty big shoes to fill."
Really fucking original guys...
To be fair, given the amount of gore in Doom4 based on descriptions, we could still use these songs as level names for that game.
And now for more true Doom gaming tales from Comtar...
Dude he said he was from the future. He could be from the year 2017! We don't know!
Three identical people in a car with a clearly CGI Deadpool? It's all CGI.
Man of Steel's Superman goes through alot of stuff without blinking an eye. So what exactly would a Suit of Armor do to help Batman?
Why why why didn't Nvidia make the controller like this?!
Knights of Xentar and Metal and Lace owner here!
He's not the Summon Materia I need, but he's the Summon Materia I deserve.
She has an STD, an STD called FoxDie.
A lot of the reason why is because gaming has become damn near political. People unquestioningly dedicated to Xbone or PS4. Even Nintendo and PC have become politicized. Just look at all the PC people who booed Doom 4 coming to console, and Quakecon sales on console also.
Half Life 3 Confirmed.