Comrade Smith

Will Dolorous Edd, as jn dolor (pain in latin languages) step up as the 999th Lord Commander?
Arya Stark is the character that will cut this series Gordian Knot, methinks.

It's cuz the Donald will be the next Potus, and the kryptonians are illegal aliens who'll be needed to tear down the wall.

Supervirgin should change her show to a Calistaless R rated one, if she's to survive the ratings villains that need tits and beer and treason and gore deads on the telly.

Still wondering how the no longer ginger James Olsen is going to pop her super cherry. A kryptonite rubber? It'll make sense. Surprised with non-earth atmosphere revisionism, as well, it was supposed to be the yellow sun the source of the super lass powers, wasn't it.

Jeff Beck, heart full of soul, 'nuff said.

Is Kara Zor-El still a virgin? If she was to shag her boss' son, the lad might as well use a green kryptonite condom in order to pop her cherry of steel. Perhaps the only way to preserve her kryptonian species is to shag her cousin.