
If we're going by Ninja based rapping, then clearly Die Antwoord should be the successors here.

Four people! One-keyboard! Internet action!

Dios Mio!

It's pretty neat. Essentially, each map is composed of a successive series of trenches, with the match dynamically shifting between each team attacking or defending within a flexible time-limit, taking into account the number of casualties per side and number of players in the capture zone etc.

On the movie side, this weekend I watched Fritz Lang's World War II thriller Man Hunt. Overall the film is an enjoyable and well-crafted watch if largely by the books in most regards. The film has its dated and hokier elements with the romantic component of the script and characters, but it moves efficiently and

Yeah, I feel like at this point in the television trends cycle we've really, really run the whole 'decent person succumbing to corruption, greed, jealousy something something American dream etc' thing completely dry. It's become stale and you can see all the beats coming miles away, what's the point?

Although I don't rewatch things with a particularly high frequency, there is of course pop-culture I end always up returning to now and again or that I can count on for reliable feel-good entertainment, namely:
-Raiders of the Lost Ark and Last Crusade
-Community S1 and S2, and some S3 Episodes
-Star Wars, mostly A

The recent Best of the Worst with the Japanese evangelical video is one of my favorite things I've watched this year.

Upvoted for Local Hero, a really lovely and underrated movie.

She's telling you straight away that "I" is all she'll be talking about.

Outsider perspective on this plot development:

Yeah, it has its issues but on whole I quite enjoy it (one would hope given the substantial number of hours I have on it).

It falls into a middle-ground between something more tactical like Close Combat (emphasizing unit suppression, placement, and cover, no resource gathering) and a more traditional arcade RTS like Age of Empires (base building, special unit abilities, general pace of the game).

I succumbed to laziness and ended up not watching any movies this weekend, but got in plenty of TV. Primarily, that entailed working my way about half-way through the highly pleasant but since cancelled (and maybe resurrected?) Enlisted.

Broadly speaking I'm glad the show will survive, but on a personal level I'm fairly ambivalent. It was/is a great show, but my overall level of interest has peaked at this point, season's 3-5 have their moments and episodes of brilliance for certain, but were very uneven too and I imagine that will continue going

That looks very neat indeed, no PS4 granted, but nevertheless.

Yeah for sure, it's a fun, epic adventure yarn about good prevailing over evil, not a sobering treatise on the challenges of regime change.

I could see Fassbender as Thrawn, Fasrawn.

Oh no, it's the Emperor's clone….again!

I never had any problem with the final celebration scenes, doesn't seem too outrageous that when both top leaders of your autocratic dictatorship die there's going to be some folks out in the streets.