
Just imported a few months ago. Figured it deserved to play around in what it was designed to be in.

My poor dealer couldn’t get them to return phone calls. I have numerous texts from them saying they hadn’t been able to get ahold of Ford Corporate for weeks at a time.

Thank you for helping shed some light on this Kristen. There’s at least a dozen people in the same boat (get it?!) as me that have contacted me since I wrote the Medium post yesterday.

“Legal assault”? Really? That’s what you are going with for a lawsuit brought against your parent company for posting revenge porn?

Honestly, any of the V12 6-speed supercars. I bought a 2003 Murcielago last year for around $120k. I’ve already had offers for 160k - and look at what F430 6-speeds are doing too. People are starting to realize manuals are going to be impossible to find.