Amber Stan forever.
Amber Stan forever.
Life as a Transracial Civil Rights Activist, A Movement that Does Not and Should Not Exist, is my best guess. Dealing with people’s responses to her blackface performance in everyday life? I’m not sure. To me, it would be a more compelling show if she lived her life as the white civil rights activist mother of black…
iwanttobelieve.gif!.... Hopefully not, but there are reports that morons are offering her tv deals already. The scandal’s not even a week old.
The terrible OJ movie should really reconsider and hire Kelly Osbourne as Marcia Clark. She’s GIVING IT.
So happy to see her acting again. She’s so incredibly underrated.
I think we’re all getting played. I think this started out as a ruse, but now is transitioning into a strategy wherein the ultimate goal is for her to become famous and finally get into some sociology textbooks as the person/”fearless leader” who brought the bullshit movement of “transethnicity” into the national…
There’s a big difference, a major difference, between being empathetic, seeing injustice and wanting to fight it.... and being an attention-whore with a victim complex and a tenuous grasp on reality.
I gotta pay $345 for a copy of mine. Yay naturalization!
How are all these interviewers not standing up and going over and snatching that wig off her gross head. So much self restraint.
OMG we get to choose new parents now!?
I think she is exaggerated to be “ridiculous white lady with ridiculous self-made white lady problems” to better show the dichotomy of privilege she experiences vs. the unfortunate upbringing and experiences of someone like Taystee.
i love this man.
Even with all that money, she still can’t get her bangs cut straight though.
I guess my point was that the show wasn’t clear about what crimes Vee committed vs. what crimes she was convicted of and imprisoned for, or how many times she’d been incarcerated previously. I remembered her saying she’d been in that particular prison before, but I don’t remember why, how long ago, or how many times -…
I normally agree with you to stan levels but (anecdote here) my sister (also a sociopath) has somehow not gotten any prison time at all despite amassing charges including a gun felony, two DUIs, destruction of private property, and two incidents of grand theft auto, just since the ripe old age of 18. I am consistently…
I love seeing your name attached to the weirdest headlines. I know you’ll treat ‘em right. <3
Kendall is the only one who doesn’t appear surgeried, if that helps.
Simple. Modern. Perfect.
The greatest part of this feud already happened when Taylor Swift dressed up in a shark costume for the Super Bowl and pretended to be one of the backup dancers they fought over. Then she stood on the left, fucked up the moves, and yet was still more compelling than Perry during her iconic moment.... all while in a…