Frankenstein's on again off again girlfriend

That’s all cool. Just don’t complain about income inequality or the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. K, sweetie.

Hooray for choice and personal liberty. One thing liberals and constitutional republicans agree on

Hope for about 2 seconds until you realise that Bernie will not be president

Tina Fey is hilarious and basically God. Lady Gaga is attention seeking in the extreme

Both Macklebore and Iggy have the 2 most punchable faces in rap. Please put a warning first before you show a photo of them together in future

It’s not a clear cut matter by any stretch of the imagination, and never will be. At least not until we collectively say “fuck it, God doesn’t exist. Life or potential life has no value. Good and bad are irrelevant. Hitler and Mother Teresa are both just bones and ash.

Poor taste in the comments of a Gawker article? I don’t believe it

It’s just hyberbole, dude. If you want,I could link you to the billion+ examples in the other comments of every other site on the internet?

Indeed it is, the dude. Indeed it is.

I feel really bad for her, but her “music” is criminally bad