
Because “single editorial vision” is a huge assfuck cop out. No writer here subscribes to the ideology of Phyllis Schlafly, or is secretly posting on MRA forums about how feminists are all worthless cunts. There are no articles about the evils of abortion or blaming rape victims for getting drunk and being

They develop a singular vision when it comes to mocking their commenters on social media, though. If she really wanted to see her “flaws as they are,” then more listening and less mocking would be a good start. I’m speaking of the maxi dress article, precisely because it stands out in my mind as the most obvious

I guess the problem people have here is the lack of internal logic to it all. Like, there has been such a long history of Jezebel authors being indignantly outraged because so-and-so made a comment about some woman’s body, and so there has been a huge culture against “body shaming” here... doubly so if has to do with

I am still appalled at Kara Brown basically forgiving Minaj in the comment section of that article. I guess it’s okay to take money from a family (it’s basically not a government) that turns a blind eye to rape, domestic violence, HIV discrimination, the killing of gay’s, it goes on.....As long as its in the name of

Jezebel is nothing if not hypocritical.