
This is problematic logic. If anything, the Obama administration alums have too much of a personal conflict to dispassionately analyze their record. They were too close to it, emotionally involved and attached. I know this is just another one of the vapid anti-Splinter comments that are inundating the site lately, but

yeah, no.

You are so fucking obnoxious and awful.  Log off, man.

How do you reconcile the fact that the state you’re so gung-ho to protect are fucking war criminals? 

Tom Clancy stories are the equivalent of the 50 Shades books for guys with wraparound sunglasses and “thin blue line” flag bumper stickers.

You know what would help that? Holding men who sexually harass women accountable.

Calling the whole stupid “Colonel” fiasco at my high school “high-profile” is... a stretch. I don’t really want to get into it, but I went to that high school during this particular mess, and leaving aside the asshole with the Confederate flag, it was very much White People Getting Mad At Other White People. The most

Of course it’s fine to critique Bernie and the points you bring up are important, but I always remain skeptical about the critic’s intentions when they go to such great lengths to break apart Bernie’s record while turning a blind eye towards certain elephants in the room like the other candidates’ presiding over mass

Yeah, tell me how conservatives don’t try to control people. Really, I need a laugh today.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Neo-Nazi/white supremacist/far right kill people.  They are domestic terrorists - the majority of domestic terrorism (extreme violence and murder) is done by the far right.  Antifa has a death count of zero.  I hate violence too, but let’s not lose sight of reality here.  The Proud Boys are a terrorist organization,

  You triggered the neo-nazi apologists hard with this one. Will no-one think of the poor fascists and their hurt feelings?

Lol Andy Ngo isn’t a journalist and anyone who’s read through a few of his columns would probably hesitate to claim he has a brain; I place about as much credence in his “brain hemorrhage” as he does in hate crimes against LGBT people or the supposed rubber cement in those Antifa Molotov Milkshakes.

There’s little need to point out that North Korea is essentially a giant prison camp of a country.

Trank be like “Hey, I may be an unprofessional alcoholic, but at least I’m not a rapist!” 

Sure it is.  Remember?  We talked about it last week.  You’ve just been so forgetful lately.  You should lay down.  

>What is it that makes people ignore every single red flag
>and stay with someone who is evil?

By opposing rent control and financially displacing low income families, the “tool on the UES” is literally doing the gentrifying.

(I created the artwork and the box to intentionally confuse and obfuscate reality.)

I come from the future, of May 2016: