
A great headline; I’ve always had problems whenever I’ve tried to install any type of sound system into my car. I’ve always given myself a shock or two, but give me 400W speakers to play bad dubstep with ludicrously loud bass or give me death! (usually the latter)

This is a remarkably bad take on this. When he said “ordinary Americans”, he meant the vast majority of people who aren’t hooked into news media 24/7 staying up to date about every single fucking piece of minutia to come out about Russia, and are instead worried about how they’re going to pay their medical bills.


Yeah, because her career as a law-and-order, lock-em-up District Attorney and her support of prison labor is oh so progressive.

Holy shit, so somehow believing in Medicare-for-all and free university is anti-blackness?

This stupid fucking canard needs to die. She had a large amount of QUALIFYING EXPERIENCE, but that does not necessarily mean that someone is QUALIFIED to be president, let alone a candidate.

Also, she wasn’t the person with the most qualifying experience to run for president; James Buchanan was. 10 years in the house,

OH! An AEROplane! Ex-CUSE me, I’m off to play the GRAND PIANO and fly in my AEROplane!

I would love to see sources on the abuse.


Hey, this is highly illegal, and if the FCC finds out you’re doing this, you’re looking at fines of thousands of dollars. Don’t do this.

Doping scandal, the 49ers d-line has developed super speed

But, the last Metroid is in captivity. I thought the galaxy was supposed to be at peace!

No, they’re qualifying all of this so they don’t get sued for libel.

It’s a PC game.

It’s not like American prison would rehabilitate either of these people.

thanks, this will be helpful if I get put in jail

No Vulkan implementation yet?

Yes, that “neoliberal”, the same one that vigorously supported NAFTA and Welfare “reform”, and presided over negotiations for the TPP (and then flip-flopped with a very mild repudiation thereof when it became a Sanders talking point). If you’ll recall, Bernie opposed each of these.