Mug shot released today
Mug shot released today…Lookie here. Last year SC County release a mugshot of a 49ers player arrested for DUI. Also high profile case, yet mugshot released. Hmm. What’s different?
I would like Mark Ruffalo’s hand too close to my boob, honestly
they expressed condolences to the zoo staff who are mourning the loss of a beloved animal. That’s not the wording, but they acknowledged the gorilla’s death in a respectful way
The God Card? Holy Shit.
Research has shown #1 predictor of academic success for black boys and girls is feeling that their teachers like them. She was not feeling it, obviously.
I had a humiliating swim cap in that style as a child attending swim lessons.
That image of the all-female editorial staff they were promoting earlier this week on social media really shows that Huff Post is leading on women’s issues....
yes, same shit, different article
with further penalty when he loses the accent every time he has to threaten someone. He can’t keep that accent stable through a full episode or even a scene
Yeah, this change got made quickly but it took DAYS to fix the spelling of Susan Sarandon’s name in a headline
Mostly white males dancing here btw. And you know the “housewife” is an actress cast to be a real yet “hot” person
HE GROOMED HER. Basketball games, phone calls, secret “modeling shots”
Dammit, Janet, I love you!!!!!!
True. Public school all the way.
I graduated high school when Reagan was president. My (female) friend and her boyfriend wore matching, intentionally ugly tuxes to prom and nobody cared. Society is truly changing now so people are threatened and “fighting back” against a tide they can’t stop. All the best to this kid.
Sorry to be THAT reader but Susan’s last name is spelled wrong in the headline.
Fuck all ya’ll
Yeah nah.