She was totally trashed by the media at the time though. But vindicated a million times over since then.
She was totally trashed by the media at the time though. But vindicated a million times over since then.
I was reminded today of Denise Richards divorce filings, which alleged that he visited porn sites that featured both really young looking girls and boys. I think meaning early teens as opposed to children.
Oh, she has receipts now too. Police report filed, producer identified, and witnesses saying she told them about it the next day:
This is...ironic? since I was just arguing with some troll over on Jezebel who was accusing women who didn’t speak up sooner of being complicit. And here we have a prime example of a woman not being believed and being trashed when she does speak up. Ignore the fools.
In case you believe this sincerely, and are not just trolling, think of it like a gay person coming out. Someone coming out of the closet 50 years ago, or 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago, would face much different repercussions than someone coming out today (who still faces repercussions). If going public in a…
And this line at the ends says everything about the casting couch and sexual assault in general, “Let’s stop pretending these things can’t really be happening—and then, as soon as we learn it did happen, tell the person it happened to, “well what else did you expect?””
Sometimes a mouthy feminist really does have to take one for the team.
I missed that at the time. But her whole career is based on being outrageous, so I am not surprised that she was not well-suited to management.
It is such a weird message to give, but at the same time true. I am white and have a white friend who has reallllly gotten in to BLM and talking about racism all the time on Facebook. And it is not like she is actually a huge racist in disguise, but I am still like (to myself) “Tone it down. It is just a little…
Wow. On behalf of that girl, thank you for looking out for her.
He definitely was/is into much younger, troubled actresses.
As a parent, these things terrify me. That they happen, but also that they happen and I would never know until years later. Do you think there is anything your parents could have done differently to make you say something up front?
I sort of doubt that a 14-year-plod understood the intricacies of whether she had insurance and how that would impact her treatment in China. However, I do not doubt that she was under pressure not to complain about being sick and didn’t have anyone looking out for her.
Yes, his character is definitely creepy in that film.
I wasn’t sure if they had turnout by demographic, but it turns out they do. Looks like turnout for white women was about 66.8%.
Many of the women who refused him and/or were raped by him had their careers’ trashed anyway.
Yeah, it just seems like a way to make a lot of people in the audience pretty uncomfortable. But that is her right.
I honestly don’t think I would make that trade. While Trump can and has and will do awful things, ultimately he is one man and electing HRC wouldn’t mean that a R wouldn’t be elected the next time around. I am hoping that this wave of allegations and firing will be a mostly permanent, moderate change in how things…
As a white person, I don’t know who would be cool with it, but obviously someone is or they wouldn’t have come up with the idea. I thought we were pretty much divided up between people who live in the country where we don’t have to worry about people stealing packages off our stoop, and people living in cities who…
I honestly think I didn’t understand this until the first time I was trying to get pregnant. Like, “Wait, the first two weeks of pregnancy are actually before you are even pregnant?” I am sure I learned it fifteen years earlier in sex ed but it didn’t really sink in.