
I’ve been wondering what the interaction is between them being smeared as crazy, vs. the ones who have been so traumatized they act out and speak out whereas the ones who may have suffered to a lesser extent being able to bottle it up and carry on. But I also don’t want to make any judgement about how individuals

God, I showed my daughter “On the Good Ship Lollipop” on youtube a couple of years ago. After it finished, I was like “What the f*ck did I just watch!!!!”

Um, given all the #metoo stuff going on, Uncle Willy’s corn on a stick seems a little sicker.

I think it is important that I speak out in solidarity with you, no matter the risk to me and my family.

I was assuming that he was talking about the Peace Corps volunteers who got dressed up for the fancy event, but I’m not sure.

I have had drunk sex with people I certainly wouldn’t have slept with sober, but I was aware and okay with it while it was happening. That was a very different experience than when a guy invited himself in to talk and then I passed out and awoke on another bed with him inside me. I was not okay with it at the time,

I guess what has got me thinking the most while watching men’s reactions is not so much what I remember doing in the past, but the fact that I may have done something and not even remember it.

Even the older women on social media I think face a harder slog to say #metoo. Probably give a lot less f&cks, but at the same time, there was so much more shit that was considered acceptable and much more shaming for the victims. I know my mom’s first cousin was raped when they were traveling Europe together in the

No, you are not bad for passing the buck. You don’t need everyone identifying you by your trauma if you don’t wish it. As I said in another post, I was having panic attacks until I shared, mostly because this internal conflict over whether or not I should say anything, as opposed to any panic attacks over past

Didn’t he get all Method with Streep during Kramer v. Kramer. Not assaulting her, but taunting her about her recently deceased boyfriend to get “real” emotion from her.

Exactly. I reject that as my definition. Also, I blocked my parents and in-laws from being able to see my post.

This doesn’t freak me out, but I am terrified of heights and still scarred by just the knowledge that the following hotel exists:

Holy shit, I could not jump out of a car going at 60 mph.

This is definitely my instant Cream of Wheat technique :)

Even though I almost always give victims the benefit of the doubt, I am sometimes a bit suspicious when something blatantly awful happens, like the Duke rape case, or the Rolling Stone rape fiasco, or the professor from Barnard (?) who hung a noose on her own door, or the girl who carved BO on her own face. Like,

I don’t know so much that the working class white men were raised to think they were special individuals. I think they were raised to think they were Real Americans, special as a group. And they were owed a job with benefits and a wife to take care of, and they were owed respect. And when they voted for their own

Can someone just break her out of jail now and take her out of state? I am sure they would get fired, but are the feds going to try to take this all the way to the Supreme Court?

Let’s think - this started when she was 15. He wouldn’t let her have her own credit cards or phone and monitored all her emails. And over the course of a decade of psychological manipulation (starting at age 15) convinced her that she was talentless and replaceable and everyone hated her.

I can’t imagine how freaked out the parents of the kids who were in his daycare were/are.

I remember when my roommate was doing online dating and I was like “What is this crazy thing?” Ah, it was an innocent time...