
But instead, you’ll just have to be content with being a little known blog writer.

Workplace violence is almost always a zero-tolerance fireable, or contract breakable, offence. Not really a dumb move to fire someone that attacks fellow workers. It potentially can protect the employer from litigation as well.

If all manufacturers omit this data because they can, why are you so butt-hurt about Ford doing it? Why not an across-the-board butt-hurt article about automakers in general?

Easy to weigh them when it’s a made up story to promote a third rate tv program. There isn’t anything you can make up that you can get some people to believe.

There is never a bad time for Lewhine to take a nut shot. Besides, what did he think was going to happen in the aftermath of his disrespectful stepover? If you present your nuts to a known nut cracker, you gets what you gets.

Nice way to exploit Bowie’s death for clicks with this old news.

Trickle charge is not jump starting, which this company claims the product can do. I didn’t bother to read the manual because physics.

Trickle charge is not jump starting, which this company claims the product can do. I didn’t bother to read the