
They used to sell their “GT350 H” cars with 40,000+ miles on them for like $70k....

I am also hampered in my pursuit of a 250 GTO by the fact I am not stupidly wealthy.

Nein.... I like my shorts with a bit more stiffness, sweat shorts are too flow-ey.

And let me head you off, I am not starching sweat shorts.... that’s just weird.

But what if the ingredient that makes them so great IS the denim.

I mean;
Wool Shorts, bad
Corduroy Shorts, bad
Tux Material Shorts, bad
Pleather Shorts, bad
Lycra shorts, super bad

We need to be open to the possibility that Corvette-Dads are operating a few parallel universes ahead of us. We mock them out of ignorance!

That’s required.

Now, I will start off saying that I don’t know myself, but there is the POSSIBILITY that Jorts are super comfortable and we are all idiots for not being on the Jort bandwagon.

I can confirm that New Balance’s are great shoes that fit well, are well priced and are comfortable.

But you’ve seen pictures, yeah?

That’s enough to form a rough-draft of an opinion. I wouldn’t write a Doctoral Thesis based on just pictures, but there’s a level of comfort you can have stating some words.

Someone here at Jalopnik apparently thought that it was not, because a few minutes later I was back in the Grays.

Don’t forget shoe and pants choices.... gotta mock those.

Hey... my opinion is if you aren’t manually adjusting your spark-advance with a little dial on your steering stick (not wheel, STICK), then what kind of car enthusiast  do you think you are?

What, your car isn’t powered by STEAM? The hell, bro? Do you even Jalop?

With all the unholy shit this species has done in the last 18 months, I think the C8 is fairly low on the like of probably causes.

Hey friend, we’ve been trying to get Khabib vs Ferguson for 4 years and 5 signed fights now... These are two people who WANT to fight each other and we can’t get it because of Reasons A - E (E was the Pandemic)

Okay, let’s put a pin in that a revisit in 30 minutes when its a fact.

I’ll buy that when I get un-gray-banned for my “Brie Larsen and the C8 both have disappointing asses” joke.

Looks at headline.... looks at criteria....

Sorry but you can’t say “Best” then proceed to talk about a particular game wins by criteria fairly dissimilar from the original specified (I get that its a headline and needs to be brief/succinct).

I like Dark Forces so I’m not as tweaked about it being discussed as one of

Looks at headline.... looks at criteria....

Sorry but you can’t say “Best” then proceed to talk about a particular game wins by criteria fairly dissimilar from the original specified (I get that its a headline and needs to be brief/succinct).

I like Dark Forces so I’m not as tweaked about it being discussed as one of

He’s not out of line for about 78% of Craigslist offers I’ve gotten....

You should be worried, the next step is the kid chaining you up in the basement while he tries to go to your work and pretend to be you....

6 months ago, I’d say you were right... but when Amazon is selling out of microphones and camera gimbels because everyone and their dog is getting into podcasting and youtubing.... nah, too much competition in the “Young kid does something stupid for a loveable reason” genre.

That and breastfeeding until he was 12.