
I'm sure I'll get hate for this, but I don't believe it should be a college's responsibility to protect their students at all times in every aspect of their lives. There is a ridiculous amount of mission creep in modern universities, in which a college is expected to service every aspect of a student's life


Gee, when they said it was their favorite Val Kilmer movie ever, I just assumed it was "Real Genius"! :-D

"As World Series MVP, Chevy would like to award you with a VAN down by the RIVER!"

Nell, honey, why do you keep digging your hole even deeper? What are you trying to accomplish? What is the point of all this??

This just keep getting more and more Dark Knight Returns...

Nothing good can happen when you drink like a Wisconsinite and think like a Floridian.

It's more middle-grades to YA, and I know this isn't exactly what the question is asking, but when I was a kid I really loved Piers Anthony, especially his Xanth series. As an adult, I've come to realize that it's boring, repetitive, deeply misogynist, and vaguely pedophilic sometimes. It was a really sad day that I

Whoa whoa whoa. Those are a lot of assumptions right there and you don't know this family. Settle down and don't be part of the angry mob. Famous girl or not, you do not know her or her family. This situation is not for our public entertainment, you are not mental health professional, and you don't need to go out

I can't joke about Wes Anderson. My hatred for his horrible, twee, cotton candy-colored cinematic turds allows no exemption for parody.

Stop acting like 'Shake It Off' isn't great

*shrugs* I love Shake It Off. It's on my workout playlist. COME AT ME.

Good lord. They seem like a happy couple and you've somehow turned him into a hypothetical mass-murdering MRA fire breather.... It's a bit of a leap.


NBA: This is too sexy

My wife has never once complained about my gaming habits until Destiny came out - and solely because I can't pause it when she's talking to me.

it's the first thing I thought too :D

Wait a minute.. This sheriff?

good day, sailor. Seems we've found ourselves in the same boat.