
I agree with you that this lady is out in left field, and I agree something needs to be done to help curbs rape, however — and this is where I'll get accused of trolldom — no crime, no matter how heinous, should have the burden of proof lie with the accused. I hadn't thought of the implication of the law, having

Potato Masher.

Hari Seldon knows best.

Actually, I think I remember watching the KU game where the real tooth got knocked out.


From Kansas, I'd always suspected that there was a data science way to prove that we are the worst team in football. Thank you for the validation.


Ok, but seriously. Why'd you shoot the invisible swordsman?

Never did. Kinda glad I'll never be seduced to.

This movie's so British it's got a fifteen minute break for tea in the middle.

I'm kind of ashamed to say, but it's The Lord of the Flies. I've considered everyone I meet just this side of ready to drop a boulder on Piggy ever since.

So some Edgewood stuff?

I think Lord RayEl is about to institute a suicide pact. You could check him/them out ...

Does the news that he's to be involved in the upcoming Gummi Bear Movie hint rather that he may be the living embodiment of Sigmund Igthorn instead?

I knew nothing about her, but she seems great! I can tell that I'm going to find myself getting lost on her site here in the near future.

Well, they're a comedy horror podcast, and they handle things other than true crime. But those episodes are where they really shine. As a warning: it may take some time to get used to their shtick, but their hearts are in the right place.

All this to say: yes. I definitely recommend it.

Are you a listener of the Last Podcast on the Left by any chance?

I took advantage of the Xbox deal. Got the Madden bundle with Destiny. I feel like I made good decision.