
Yikes man. That guy should not be anywhere near that protest. He's scared shitless. His finger is trembling on that hair-trigger.

It was neither. He was right from the start. It was a swing state, but had some pretty Confederate leanings dating back to the whole Bleeding Kansas nonsense.

There are certainly people who believe that all cops are bad. There are, however, plenty of — I'd hazard to say "far more" — people who are also saying that these are select examples that prove that near-impeachable power over civilians require more oversight than we're currently being provided. If what you are seeing

I think the idea is to make sure that ALL cops, including the ones who may be prone to pull any of the stunts in the above video in the future, understand that their behavior is being recorded and will be seen in court along with all other testimony. It's a preventative measure to try and enforce good behavior part of

Umm ... hi, Delaware. What's goin' on buddy? Oh sorry, I can't tonight. I've got ... I'm busy. Sorry...

To be unreasonably fair to that hairpiece, I do believe that's something he does before commercial regardless of the topic he's introducing.

As long as they go back to the GOOD good ole' days, and don't try to action that shit up ala Mask of Eternity.

My grandma wanted us to sing this to her as we put her in the ground. I miss the hell out of that old witch.

Which makes total sense if you are a reader of comics ...

Finally caught the Borderlands bug. I'm typically a strategy gamer and have little skill with shooters, but this romp has been de-LIGHT-ful.

Also, my brother has the exact same feeling about J.S.

Ah, we used to go to the Martin City one. Great beans. Great burnt ends. I miss it terribly.

Jack Stack. Always and forever.

See, I suppose it's all how you frame it. You don't believe that there is intrinsic benefit to having this person's worldview represented in the legal profession — and I'm sure we could debate that — but to her, she believes the people she's targeting with her KS is of utmost importance.

I feel you, and I'm sorry that happened to you. All of that happened. Truly terrible. I sometimes feel that this series of sites in their zeal to say, "look at these dumb religious types," forget they're people too.

I'm with you I suppose my question was, if we're gonna get down on this person for crowdfunding her education — religious or otherwise — should we not also get down on ANYONE who crowdfunds?

Is this better or worse than people begging for money from friends and family on kickstarter to fund their creative aspirations? I know some people who have used the site to pay for studio time, headshots etc. It always strikes me as hopelessly self centered.

I totally, totally get that the criminal justice system fails people nearly as often as they help. I get that there are very real and scary disadvantages for women and POC when dealing with the law. BUT. The police and the court system remain the ONLY way that a victim of abuse is going to be able to get justice. I'm

Just get rid of it, if you have the time.