
Isn't it, though?
I mean, she's still amazing whenever she's with Mae Whitman - seriously, every scene of theirs seems designed just to make me ugly-cry - but… ugh. Sarah.

Hey, now! That's… true.
Poor Sarah.
Poor Lauren Graham.

So… was Jelly Clarkson used because Laurie was being all lesbian-y?
I know she's married now and those rumours are supposedly done with, but it can't have been an accident, surely.

I wasn't loving the cat stuff up until the tag.
That was too over the top, but I loved it.

I love that they just had Stef or Lena excuse him from every family scene, mumbling about 'practice'.

I think her being such a cartoonish villain is the only way to explain why Laurie is Laurie.
Though the fact that in that episode (and really for a lot of the first couple of seasons), Jules was like a motherish surrogate for her makes the whole Laurie/Travis thing even more 'awwwBLECH'.
Screw it, those two crazy kids

tumblr can suck a fuck, it's horrific.

Wasn't it the best?!

Yeah, they don't do reviews for The Fosters, so we make do with a thread in the comments of SaB.

Yep yep yep.
I'm not usually not a shipper, but I'm shipping my face off for those two.

Fosters thread
Okay, so there were about three separate points in this episode where I thought Callie was going to see sense and finish things off with Brandon - and then of course she's planning on basically have him move in if and when she gets her own place?! Really?
I'm kind of hoping that her giving her phone to

I feel like this comment is weirdly confrontational…
He likes the show, dude - stand down.

Has anyone watched any of the new Brad and Emily* webisodes?
They're not the height of greatness, but there was one set in the writer's room that showed their story board. I'm not sure whether it was on purpose or not, and I'm actually kinda thinking it would have been, but there were actual stories that have happened

And at least three or four storylines* lighter.
*I use the term very loosely with this show.

Oh my gosh, I almost forgot about that!

Definitely watch Asylum. It's still all over the place, but won't feel like a chore to watch.
Coven? Eh… take it or leave it.

I can't imagine the show actually sees the relationship as one that's healthy. God, I hope not or I've given a lot more credit than it deserves.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.
Believable for their age, but dumb.

Yeah, I quite liked that they didn't let her off the hook for it.
Though I'm not loving the whole thing revolving around the play in general.
And why are they even doing a "proper" play with, like, four people acting in it?
Why aren't they doing a poorly-acted stage version of Grease like every other high school ever?

Wow, this thread is a bit of a barren wasteland this week, isn't it?
To The Fosters!
Genuinely didn't think Callie was stupid enough to be risking her place in that group home and future with Stef and Lena for Brandon.
She's so far been presented as smart enough to know it's a bad, bad idea. And yes, I know, young love