
Surely this is a positive for Canadians. Personally I don’t want news in my FB, just photos of the family and a Marketplace full of people trying to scam me/build up a fake profiles?? by selling all their items at the same price i.e. £79 for a bed, for a sofa etc.

Over the past three or four months, anything that’s controversial or related to substantive policy news gets suppressed, but if it’s news about something relatively simple and happy, the algorithm amplifies it,”
I’m all for this, if I want depressing news I’ll go to a news site. Personally I don’t go to Facebook to

That should be your next Netflix and chill, it’s high stakes crime drama on the open seas 😁

Are those links now dead as they go to the homepage, not article?

By Lunch Menu, do you mean lunch at midday?
That’s normally sandwiches for mine.

Tacos, Spagetti, etc are more Dinner/Tea (or Supper if they are being posh 😁) in my house.

Buzzmodo / Gizfeed

We love our WiiU controller, maybe Sony just realised how good it is 10 years later 😁

Is this going to be a new Netflix show, ‘Welcome to Wrexham’ meets ‘Succession’ 😁

What does having “Horsetail, mare’s tail” tell you, apart from the fact your stuffed and not getting rid of it anytime soon? 😫

I always thought you get nettles where people Pee, now I have some science 😀 Thanks “Human urine contains significant amounts of N (nitrogen) and P (phosphorus); therefore it has been successfully used as fertilizer in different crops.”

Some of these are good advice such as don’t bounce on a trampoline with kids, and swinging by the arms, but Jumping from swings, where is the adult involved in that activity? You have mentioned that at all. Need to pass this through ChatGPT again 😁

Ok dummy question time as my gaming is split between the Speccy 48k and WiiU :)
Does this mean they have to allow Call of Duty to be offered by all Cloud Gaming companies? So like PS Now and Geforce Now for the next 10 years?

Would this affect clones like Smart Tube?

Where are you going to go? Is the content you are watching on YT uploaded to another streaming service that doesn’t have ads / allows ad-blockers?

Now playing

Favourite episode on our house is Mum and Dad Try to escape. Everyone loves it and the kids then try to draw their own secret den’s and cars. Wholesome happy fun. Way better than Peppa who gets on my nerves and Pas Patrol which is a bit annoying after time :) 

Cool cheers for the link, I like the way the two systems are still linked, so I picked this reply notification up on Gizmodo :)

From looking at the picture I thought you were going to say books.
Every good toilet needs a magazine rack and a book shelf 😁

When did Lifehacker and Gizmodo fallout, have I been living under a rock?
What’s happened to the kids do you get them on the weekend? 😁

Personally, I can’t understand people who clean with vinegar, lemon juice, or other wimpy means.”
They probably do it as they read an article on a website with a title like “TikTok’s 7.5 best ways to clean your house”