
Hmm if only Google could tell me how to make a pumpkin last......
I’ve been reading Lifehacker too long 😁😁😁


“ in which Yachty does, in fact, walk around in Poland”, Poland looks a lot like London, they even drive on the same side of the road, use the same street signs and have Royal Mail red letterboxes!!

Over the past few years
To the traditional sounds of the English summer
The drone of lawnmowers
The smack of leather on willow

There’s not a lot to go wrong with it. Think of it how much you look after a road bike/mtb compared to a kids bike.
Kids bikes get muddy, dusty etc but general don’t get any love or lube and still power on for years.

You missed out the part that a Concept 2 will last forever, so you can buy a 2nd hand one.

Works wonders for pre-date preparation.

For some reason both of the below work on Win 10, I’ve been using Win+: for a while

Probably uBlock

I thought it was hairspray for squeaking hinges

Now playing

Roy is not, Roy’s not Really here. Roy is not Roy’s not Really here. We’re fans of the CGI man, Roy’s not really here.

There are two ways to open a bag.

Who here actually has their own domain and uses it?

I have nothing to say at the moment, I don’t know when it is going to happen, what is going to on sale, but whilst you are here earning me a few cent on advertising, click through these links so I can make commission.

I have nothing to say at the moment, I don’t know when it is going to happen, what is going to on sale, but whilst

If it was on the android TV then cool, but hardly any apps make a version for it :( I could sideload, but a shame they don’t specially for a home workout app)

I'd like it if all apps had the menus at the bottom as closer for your thumbs. This is a start but leaving the URL at the top is a shame as reduces the screen.

The questions back to you are why you find it no value and what do you use instead? I'm interested too. I have Firefox preview which is good but not amazingly better

So this article would be better with a list of verified / recommend cables (hey you can take a cut too).

How good for the environment is a giant sticky roller?

How good for the environment is a giant sticky roller?

Hi what’s the benefit of having a bar that bends ,is whippy?