
What - Usual porridge, though Red Grapefruit if being healthy and Full English if on a stag do

The first review point, is how good or bad is it for the environment?

War, What is it Good for?

As many have said, signal the way you want to go round the roundabout upon entering. Then signal that you are to exit.

Sorry not a vote for VPN, but for a site that helps you choose one

Sorry not a vote for VPN, but for a site that helps you choose one

It’s not. it’s good for Uber. All news is good news.

My SMS came from “FACEBOOK” not “INSTAGRAM”

What is this new rolling stories?

Utter testicles. Ticketmaster own Get me In and Seatwave, and so profit from it

Why do they have Allo and Duo separately?

Sure the question not answered, do these actually stop you spreading or receiving germs?

Pavement, they’re in the UK, so pavement. Right I’m off for a jolly old cup of tea and scones. Served on an al-you-minium tray, then some cucumber sandwiches with sliced toe-mar-toes ;)

Most of my DIY activities that aren’t demolition

The first bag where I own nearly all of the items (apart from the bag and brick hammer (which is on my list of useful things to buy))

I try to focus on my arms. The speed drives the cadence and in general when my legs are tired, my arms aren’t as tired.

Choose any or all of the below

No love for the Cul de Sac?

Is there a way of filtering my Gizmodo feed so I don’t see Jezebel articles? I’m really not interested in celebrity gossip.