
I thought Google+ had gone the way of the Sinclair C5

Because that would eat into Apple TV's when they are launch later next year.

Because sites like Gizmodo are about money and apple brings viewers brings advertisers.

I do hope they get their game back. Surely it shouldn't be too hard.

Or you missed the subtle play on words by removing a letter....

Cheezymadam you are a See yoU Next Tuesday (pardon my french for those than can see through this)

Nope no optical sensor needed, just good old fashioned eyes.

I don't know what all you girls are bleating about.

I was hoping you were going to tell us how to change the Favicons.

Damn I've only just moved to Chrome, now all the cool kids are off to Firefox.

I read a pretty good article in Elle magazine recently (getting in touch with my feminine side). Where they said studies had shown that those who lost weight too drastically, i.e. gastric band, had to work harder to keep the fat off.

I have none, but looking at picture of Einstein with a messy desk I'm feeling a little OCD about it.

I use my mobile phone, as I am travelling with business.

Isn't using the word retarded a little non-pc nowadays? (no I don't mean Mac :)

the North East and South West opposing lines seem to have a slight circular motion, whils the others and moving in a straight line.

You are so a douche bag.

Has this been written on a phone, with no spell check?

I like the U-Lock just on the rear tyre, took me a while to see it, just hope the scallies notice it and don't end up breaking things finding out it does keep it locked.

"Hidden away, deep within a forest in central Africa"

Can someone tell me, if I used a Gym ball in place of my office chair would I get a super strong core?