One of my favorite games of all-time. The characters, the world, and the art direction are phenomenal. Also, Alex Garland, writer of 28 Days Later, The Beach, and Sunshine wrote this game.
One of my favorite games of all-time. The characters, the world, and the art direction are phenomenal. Also, Alex Garland, writer of 28 Days Later, The Beach, and Sunshine wrote this game.
One of my absolute favourite games of this past generation and criminally underlooked. Gameplay was solid if a little uninventive, but the story and characters had me hooked and the world is absolutely beautiful.
Recommend it to everyone I can, unfortunately, nobody has heard of it!
Such an incredible title, especially from a —at the time— very new company. Art direction, mechanics, characterization, pacing; it had it all. My only complaint was that it felt too short for what it wanted to say.
The most underrated aspect of enslaved is the character development. The dynamic between Trip and Monkey is fantastic, and they're both really well-defined and well-acted. Monkey is one of my favorite characters in all of gaming.
Such a fantastic game.
I just bought a new PC... so...
Previous centuries have been defined by novels and cinema. In a bold manifesto we're proud to debut here on Kotaku,…
It's a pretty interesting article. He says that one of the main differences is that Western games emphasize "experience" while Japanese games emphasize "play." So Western games are more about letting players experience a setting or story. In his field (animation), this manifests in details: Japanese developers…
Calling a Chicken Burger a Burger makes perfect sense to me.
I had the same problem. I sat apart from everyone else in science class, maths, history. Any lesson where my friends weren't with me I was classed as the weirdo. I worked in the library at dinner time with like minded students so I got some peace and quiet as well as early lunches. If I went downstairs it was to join…
Of all the complaints I see about Bioshock Infinite, I really only care about one thing. It left me wanting more.