I never understood why people think natto is smelly. I don't think it smells particularly strongly. And it's pretty flavorful, you can just plop a serving on a bowl of rice to make a quick meal.
I never understood why people think natto is smelly. I don't think it smells particularly strongly. And it's pretty flavorful, you can just plop a serving on a bowl of rice to make a quick meal.
CPU and GPU are important and all, but where you really need to research brand and models is your HDD. We don't think about it since they're fairly uniform in terms of price and performance, but nothing else can cause the disaster a HDD failure can. If your RAM fails you can just swap in a new DIMM and be good to…
Wait.... what's the horizontal resolution? The article doesn't say. Is the whole screen a 16:9 1920×1080? In that case each eye is only getting 960x1080, right? I guess that's a lot better than the 640 x 800 it had before, but not quite "HD" as most people think of it.
This. These are the only games that have ever actually scared me or creeped me out.
The virtual theater itself is kind of silly, but delivering a movie theater big screen experience to people at home could be huge. I would never go to the movie theater again!
Not totally sold, because I still want to see reviews and such, but art has definitely strongly drawn me towards a game.
So characters can have more flaps of fabric hanging off now! Wheee...
This looks like a pretty good game, and probably the kind of game I'd actually enjoy... but I'm just getting tired of post-apocalyptic settings. It's been so overplayed. And from the screenshots this game seems to follow the unspoken agreement that everything in the post-apocalypse must be grey and brown.
Man, I wouldn't mind playing more games like this. I love full 3D worlds, but these games were artistic and gorgeous and interesting. And fun! I bet they cost a lot less to make too.
Hmm, a lot of this is probably driven by ratings boards. Having a tobacco or alcohol or sexual reference can get you bumped up into a more mature rating. And if a developer is on the edge of a rating, naturally they'll want to try to nudge their game into the more kid-friendly rating in order to broaden their…
It's not that I care less about games as I get older, it's just that my interest has become much more focused. I used to try to play EVERYTHING: everything I read about, or a friend recommended, or was popular or whatever. And I used to try hard to get good enough to be competitive in multiplayer. Now I have a much…
Some of these are OK actually. The egg vs. eggs on face one is trying to explain plural usage. Japanese only rarely uses pluralizers so it can be confusing; the illustration shows what an native English speaker would understand if you say that, which is why it's absurd.
I always had Wrex along, and Wrex is hilarious, in a deadpan way. He's like a homicidal Eeyore. The elevator rides were a bit long, but almost every time there was something that made me laugh.
I love JRPGs, but I think they'd be a lot more palatable if they would just get rid of the "zoom to battle" (loading the separate battle map) and "victory" (counting up loot and xp, and reloading the field map). It's just a few seconds each time, but over the course of a 40-50 hour game you fight a LOT of battles,…
I remember the original Unreal Tournament had an... option? mod? that increased or decreased the fatness of a player's model depending on how well they were doing. So players doing well would be fat and easier to hit, while players doing poorly were skinny and harder to hit. I always thought that was really clever.…
This looks promising. I had a hankering for some space 4x action a while back and bought Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion on sale, but it's really just the same as the last iteration with a few fairly minor additions. The genre needs a fresh entrant, and this looks promising.
"Big gathering of Jump characters!"
I'm actually confused as to why she even thought this was noteworthy. People read porn on the train all the time in Japan. Seen it many times.
I did a complete replay a few months ago (on PC, maxed settings, but obviously not the new BFG edition). I was surprised at how well it held up. Sure, the humans look awkward (this has always been id's weak spot), but they're only around for the first few minutes anyway. The monsters, however, look great. The…
I actually thought Okami had a really clever system; text with nonsense sounds being voiced. That way you got a sense of the tone of the dialog and the "voice" of each character but just read the text for meaning. Maybe that's the compromise.