
Here, here.

And your point is what…..? That you're admitting to be being a creepy dude? Or just trolling? Either way…..whatevs.

Yeah I thought the same. Who the hell thinks a 40-41 year old dating a 25 year old is creepy? People who are creepy themselves, that's who. Like you said, get over yourself.

I could agree with that. Your two points plus learning to fall in love all loom large in his character arc over the seasons. My point was, so many people seem to brush off his feelings for Annie and any scenes between them as 'fan service' and I'm just sick of it. Jeff and Annie slowly falling in love has been a part

Not to sound like an overwrought shipper but to suggest that the shipping scenes somehow blunt the emotional impact of Jeff's maturation arc is to ignore (or not realize) that his relationship with Annie, his love for her is actually the peak of his maturation arc.